How to Clean Swimming Goggles? 5 Methods for Maintaining and Cleaning

As a swimmer, you may have experienced it: the blurry vision caused by dirty or foggy swimming goggles, making it difficult to see clearly underwater. It’s not just an annoyance but can also hinder your performance and enjoyment. Whether you’re training for a competitive swim, or simply enjoy a leisurely splash, the need for crystal-clear vision beneath the waves is a necessity. Hence, knowing how to clean your swimming goggles becomes imperative.

By maintaining clean swimming goggles, you are investing not only in your equipment’s longevity but also your eye health. Cleaning your swimming goggles prevents the build-up of bacteria that can lead to uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous eye infections. Plus, it helps preserve the anti-fog coating on the inside of your goggles, giving you clear vision for every swim.



Before diving into the details of how to clean swimming goggles, it’s important to understand our target audience. The readers we aim to cater to are swimmers and aquatic enthusiasts, spanning from beginners to seasoned professionals.

Their needs are diverse, yet some common threads run through. They all seek comfort, clarity, and longevity from their swimming goggles. A recurrent issue they face is maintaining these goggles in optimum condition, especially keeping them clean and fog-free. A significant concern is the potential risk of eye infections due to unclean goggles.


The first known use of swimming goggles dates back to the 14th century, where Persian pearl divers used rudimentary versions made from tortoise shells. Fast forward to the 20th century, Thomas Burgess, an English Channel swimmer, was one of the first to use a more modern design. Since then, goggles have seen various improvements in terms of comfort, visibility, and anti-fog features. Despite these advancements, one challenge remains – how clean swimming goggles are kept for optimum performance.


Before we get to the ‘how clean swimming goggles’ part, it’s important to understand what these accessories are made of. Typically, goggles comprise of a silicone or rubber gasket for comfort and seal, a lens made of plastic or glass, and an adjustable strap for fit. The quality and longevity of these materials can be drastically affected by cleanliness and maintenance.

The Importance Of Cleaning Your Swimming Goggles

To maintain a clear line of sight underwater and prevent bacterial buildup, regular cleaning of swimming goggles is essential. Residue from chlorine, sweat, and body oils can blur the lens and degrade the goggle material over time. Moreover, dirty goggles are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria which could lead to eye infections.

A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Clean Swimming Goggles



Step 1: After each swimming session, rinse your goggles thoroughly with cold tap water. The water washes away chlorine, sweat, and oils that can accumulate on the lens and gasket.

Step 2: Shake off excess water gently.

Step 3: Let the goggles air dry naturally in a well-ventilated and shaded area.

Step 4: Once completely dry, store the goggles in a protective case to keep them safe from scratches and damage.


Step 1: Prepare a mild solution using dish soap and cold water.

Step 2: Immerse your goggles in the solution and lightly agitate them.

Step 3: Using your fingers, gently clean the straps and gasket areas, removing any build-up of dirt and grime.

Step 4: Rinse off the soap under cold tap water and let them air dry before storage.


Step 1: Apply a small amount of non-abrasive toothpaste to the inside of your new goggles. The mild abrasive in toothpaste helps to remove the film that often covers new goggles.

Step 2: Rub the toothpaste gently across the lens with your fingertips.

Step 3: Rinse off the toothpaste thoroughly under cold water.

Step 4: Dry the goggles naturally in a well-ventilated area and store them properly.

Note: This method is suitable for new goggles only and should not be used regularly as it can remove the anti-fog coating.


Step 1: Mix equal parts white vinegar and cold water to create a cleaning solution.

Step 2: Soak your goggles in this solution for about an hour. The acidic nature of vinegar can help break down mineral deposits and disinfect the goggles.

Step 3: Rinse the goggles thoroughly under cold water.

Step 4: Let the goggles air dry before storage.


Step 1: Dab a small amount of baby shampoo on your fingers.

Step 2: Gently rub the shampoo on the lenses and other parts of the goggles.

Step 3: Rinse the goggles thoroughly under cold water until all the shampoo is washed off.

Step 4: Allow the goggles to air dry naturally before storage.

Note: Baby shampoo is very gentle and will not harm the goggles’ anti-fog coating while offering a thorough clean.


Can I use hot water to clean my swimming goggles?

No, it’s not recommended to use hot water to clean your swimming goggles. Hot water can damage the anti-fog coating on the lens and might even warp the goggles’ shape. Stick to cold or room temperature water for rinsing and cleaning.

Can I wipe the inside of my goggles to clean them?

While it might seem tempting, it’s best to avoid wiping the inside of your goggles. This is because the interior of the lens often has an anti-fog coating that can be easily rubbed off. If there’s water inside your goggles, shake them out and let them air dry.

How often should I clean my swimming goggles?

Ideally, swimming goggles should be rinsed with fresh water after every use. This helps to remove chlorine, salt, and other residues that may have been picked up from the water. For a more thorough clean with a mild soap solution or other cleaning methods, once a week should suffice if you’re a regular swimmer.

Why do my swimming goggles fog up?

Goggles fog up due to condensation, which happens when the warm air inside the goggles comes into contact with the cooler lens surface. Most modern swimming goggles come with an anti-fog coating on the inside of the lenses to prevent this. However, this coating can deteriorate over time due to various factors, including improper maintenance and frequent rubbing or touching of the inner lens surface.

Can I clean my swimming goggles with regular household products?

Yes, mild dish soap, baby shampoo, or a vinegar solution are all household products that can be used for cleaning swimming goggles. They help to remove oil, grime, and other residues that water alone may not. Remember, these should be used sparingly and the goggles should be rinsed thoroughly afterward.

Why are my swimming goggles turning yellow?

Goggles can turn yellow due to prolonged exposure to chlorine, sunlight, or simply due to ageing of the material. Regular cleaning and proper storage can help prevent this. If the yellowing is severe, it may be time to replace your goggles.

How can I prevent scratches on my swimming goggles?

Avoid placing your goggles lens-down on rough surfaces, and do not leave them loose in a bag where they could be scratched by keys, coins, or other items. Always store your goggles in a protective case when not in use. Avoid wiping the lenses with coarse fabric or paper towel as these can also cause scratches.

Wrapping It Up

Understanding how to clean swimming goggles effectively is essential for any swimmer. By implementing these cleaning and maintenance practices, you will not only preserve your goggles’ functionality but also ensure your own health and safety. So why not give your goggles a thorough clean today?

Remember, goggles are more than just swimming aids; they’re an investment in your aquatic journey, so they deserve to be cared for properly.

Robert Perry

Robert Perry is a leading expert in the world of eyewear. His wealth of experience and unique insight in the realm of gaming glasses, swimming goggles, sunglasses, eyeglasses, and computer glasses has set him apart in the industry.

A keen observer of daily fashion styles and the utility of glasses in various lifestyles, Perry is passionate about empowering individuals with knowledge on eyewear selection. He is known for his thorough, clear, and relatable analysis, making it easier for readers to find the perfect glasses for their specific needs.

Perry’s writings consistently reflect his understanding of both function and fashion, affirming his position as an influential figure in the eyewear community.